Eyelid Surgery Can Reverse Droopy Eyelids and Relieve Peripheral Vision Issues

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, can reverse droopy eyelids, excess skin, and fatty deposits. Eyelid surgery can also help resolve peripheral vision issues and rejuvenate the area for a more refreshed appearance.


The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia in an outpatient setting. It can take a few days to recover and may cause some swelling. If you don’t want a surgical procedure, you can also get Non-Surgical Eye Lift San Francisco.

Droopy eyelids (ptosis) are a common problem that can seriously impact vision. They are often a result of hereditary issues but can also occur due to aging, muscle weakness, or other factors. They can be mild or severe, and they can be either temporary or permanent.

Ptosis can cause headaches and other problems that affect your sleep and quality of life. It can also make you appear tired and depressed. In addition, it can rob you of your vision, especially when the upper eyelid droops.

Fortunately, droopy eyelids are treatable with surgery. This is called blepharoplasty, and it can be done on both the upper and lower eyelids. The procedure involves removing excess skin and fat from the eyes, which can help reduce or eliminate the droopy appearance of the eyes.

It is not unusual for patients who undergo blepharoplasty to have some swelling and bruising after the procedure. In most cases, this will resolve in a few weeks.

However, in some cases, the droopy appearance of the eyelids will return after the initial treatment. In this case, it is important to see a surgeon who is fellowship-trained in oculoplastic surgery. This will increase your chances of a positive outcome and reduce the likelihood of needing additional surgery down the road.

If you have droopy eyelids that are affecting your vision, ask your doctor about blepharoplasty. Insurance generally covers this type of surgery if it is deemed necessary to correct vision-related problems.

Most patients who have blepharoplasty are able to resume their normal daily activities within a few days after the procedure. However, it is advisable to take a few days off work after the surgery as a precautionary measure.

Another treatment for droopy eyelids is to use glasses that can help hold the eyelid up. This is called a ptosis crutch and is most effective when the drooping is only temporary.

In some cases, droopy eyelids may be a sign of other health problems that require immediate attention. During an eye exam, the doctor will check to make sure there is no underlying condition that needs treatment.

As we age, the skin and muscles around the eyes lose their elasticity, allowing fat to bulge underneath the eyes. These areas of puffiness are called “bags under the eye.” They can cause a tired or older look that can make you feel depressed and less confident.

If you are unhappy with the appearance of under-eye bags, there are a number of home and nonsurgical treatments that can help reduce or eliminate their appearance. These include avoiding salt in your diet, cutting down on fluids before bedtime, and getting plenty of sleep.

Another way to minimize under-eye puffiness is with dermal fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm. Both of these can be injected into the tear trough area to plump up hollows and reduce bags.

While dermal fillers do help to decrease the appearance of under-eye bags, they are not a permanent solution. Over time, these injections will fade, and if a new buildup of fat and/or fluid occurs, the problem will return.

Surgery for under-eye bags is also a viable option, but only in select cases. The most common surgical procedure for removing or reducing under-eye bags is lower blepharoplasty, which involves sculpting and removing prolapsed lower eyelid fat.

Lower blepharoplasty is usually performed under local anesthesia or light sedation. Our state-of-the-art office suites allow us to provide LITE(tm) anesthesia, which means you will be comfortable and able to enjoy a more natural appearance post-surgery.

Before undergoing surgery, it’s important to follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding medications and supplements. These may include antibiotic ointment that should be applied topically to the affected area before and after surgery.

A day after the surgery, your eyelids will be puffy and possibly numb. This will disappear over the course of several days. In the meantime, avoid wearing contact lenses or other eye accessories that can interfere with your healing process.

You’ll want to wear sunglasses, if you don’t already have them, to protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful UV rays and prevent infection from forming. You’ll also need to limit your activities, including swimming and strenuous lifting or straining, so you can avoid discomfort during recovery.